Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Woman at the Cross

Women at the Cross by Alisa Wolf

I went to the second ever Women at the Cross Weekend. This one I staffed after attending the first. It was a great weekend! We got to see God show up and really meet the women individually and personally. I felt honored to be a part of their lives.
I got to walk through fear of failure, fear of forgetting, and fear of not knowing what to do as I jumped in. In that, it was a great growing experience for me In the midst of a very intense weekend, there was also a lot of fun. It was a joy to work alongside the other staff. We laughed so much. I love to laugh. One of the other staff was my friend Martha.
It was a great time for us together. We are also leading the follow-up group from the weekend. We'll meet 6- 8 times over the next three months. This challenge is honoring and exciting to me. Thanks for helping make this amazing life changing ministry possible.